Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Life as a full time college student

Good evening to all!
My name is Brandon and I am currently a full time student at Motlow Community College, pursuing a degree in Criminal Justice.
This is my first attempt at creating a blog - requirement for my English class.  This is a work in progress.
I promise to post more later about my exciting life once I become more accustomed to doing this "blogging" thing.


  1. Brandon, thank you for posting and sharing. Everyone has jitters or concerns about doing something for the first time. I'm sure you'll be a pro at it before long! I like the crisp grass/ baseball template you chose. Who is your favorite team? I know they go back and forth but I always watched the Braves with my gpa. I took him to his first live game too late. Haha, he said I killed him walking all the way around the stadium and back to parking. So different on tv in a recliner :/

    I look forward to your postings this semester. Make sure you let us know what pages were helpful while you were writing your business letter and how the rough draft of essay #1 goes, along with your perspective on tattoos before Thursday (with sections, book title, page #'s, etc... also)!

    Be sure to check out (add all) and comment on a couple of other students' blogs as you are posting before next Thursday.

    --Ms. Hanson

  2. That sounds cool, I am a huge Detroit Tigers fan. Me and my dad went to a game this past summer and it was amazing. I love sports and a big Hockey fan. Thank you for the comment blogging is a little diffrent and i have never done it. But i think im getting used to it.

  3. Awesome about the Hockey game. I've heard it isn't as fun anymore because it is not violent like it used to be (Jerry Springer like) lol. I've never been. Would it be a good date night for the boyfriend and me?

    Ms. Hanson
