Thursday, April 3, 2014

Le Temps Viendra Ch 9-12

Ch.9 It begins with Anne meeting with her father, the duke of Suffolk and Norfolk and talking about getting rid of the Cardinal Wosley. Also talks about Queen Katherine and how Anne can't wait till she is gone because she can't stand taking orders from her. Anne and everyone else were set to travel to Richmond but on the first day of travel they stopped at Havering and the king asked anne to come dine with him but lied and said she was sick and did not go. On the second day they left Havering and passed through the London Bridge and made it to Richmond and Anne said it looked like a fairytale story. Ch.10 Anne runs into Cardinal Wosley on her way to see the King and Wosley calls her a whore basically and tells her that the king will just get tired of her. Late Anne meets the King and tells him everything Wosley told her and the King couldn't believe what she was saying and then Wosley come in the Kings chambers to read him the letter from King Francis and says that Anne has to leave but the King says you can read it to us. That's when Wosley realized how serious the King is about Anne. Ch.11 They traveled to Greenwich from Richmond and when later she wanted to get away so she told her brother for them to ride away on a horse so they did and later come back for the King ballroom dancing and Anne danced with the King and she loved it because she knew Katherine was watching them dance and she knew it made her jealous. He hispered in her ear to come to his chambers tonight and all Anne could think about was he going to have sex with me. But he ended up saying that she did not have to serve Katherine no more and that she could have her own waiting ladies. Anne was so happy she hugged him and they stayed up until the early morning hours just talking. Ch.12 Anne went to talk to the king about going back to Hever because word was going around about the King and Anne. At first the King was not for it but with Christmas around the corner he figured to do it. So Anne went back to Hever with her mother and it was snowing really bad so she styed inside with her mother and she would read to her mother while she did her embroidery. Elizabeth told Anne that she wished Mary was more like her and that Mary gives the Boleyn family a bad name. Elizabeth gives Anne Master Tyndale's version of the new testament which was banned in England.

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