Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Le Temps Viendra Ch 23-27

Ch.23 Anne finds herself in pain and I bright light shinning in her eye and someone telling her that they are taking her to the hospital. Then she is riding in the ambulance and then she realizes she is back in her modern day life. She gets to the hospital and the doctor tells her she has a aneurysm and they have to prep her for surgery. Her surgery was successful but the doctor told her that she had another vein that was going to eventually rupture was deeper and impossible to surgically remove and that later in her life she would probably die. But Anne was not upset all she could think about or worry about was getting back to her tudor family. Ch.24 Anne's friend Kate comes to the hospital to pick up Anne and Anne was going to see Daniel. But Anne starts to think that Daniel does not show as much love to her as Henry did to Anne. Anne doesn't know how she is going to come to terms with what has happened to her. Anne's friend drops her off at her house then Anne goes to her book shelf to read a biography about Anne Boleyn. As she was so deeply amused by the book when the door bell ringed she was startled and seen that three hours have passed. It was Daniel at the door as the door closed he grabbed her and they kissed. But Anne wouldn't know if she would feel love for Daniel because she was so in love with Henry, but she did loved him and did have feelings for him. Anne was thinking about leaving Daniel and ended there relationship but she couldn't because she had great feelings for Daniel. Then Anne asked Daniel if he would take her to Hever so she could clear her conscious which was a lie. Daniel said that he has to go see some clients up near Hever and if she is health and her doctor gives her the ok to go then he will take her. Ch.25 Anne wakes up to a text message from Daniel telling her happy birthday and that he is coming to pick her up at 1pm. Daniel gets there to pick her up and tells her that they are going on a picnic and she can pick the spot and she picked Runnymede were the Ankerwycke Yew tree and were Henry and Anne spent there times during court. When they got there it was all over grown and the top part of the tree broke off and this made Anne very sad and angry and Daniel thought that she was crying because of the surgery she had. Anne then goes into to a tirade and tells Daniel about her becoming Anne Boleyn and living her life. As she sat down Daniel sat down next to her and said that when he looks at her he sees Anne Boleyn and that she has her spirit. Ch.26 Anne is on her way back to Hever as Daniel drops her off she is so happy to back at Hever as she feels she is back with the Boleyn family. She talks about how different the castle is and everything has changed and looked different. She goes upstairs and in her imagination she sees Elizabeth Boleyn sitting down in a chair and asked her to lift her head up so she could see her face. Then she sees Anne's book of hours and how she wish she could hold it again and then sees a picture of Anne Boleyn and thinks she sees Anne in the picture. Then she goes to the church where Thomas Boleyn's grave is and leans over it and says that she is so sorry for what happened to her and her brother George. Then she leaves because Daniel is waiting for her and as she was leaving she thought to her self that she would be back. But what she she didn't know is that she wouldn't be back. Ch.27 Anne and Daniel's relationship was going good and Daniel was close to breaking it of with his wife and be with Anne, but then his daughter fell very ill and was very sick and Daniel thought that she was getting sick because of him seeing Anne behind his wife's back so he basically pushed everyone away and was by himself and would not speak to Anne and Anne couldn't believe it, because they were so close to being together forever. Anne sees the sign about Henry and the exhibitions at the British library and she knew that she was going because she wanted to see other cool things that they had there. She made her way through Greenwich park and walked up some stairs to the observation to look at the castle that was Henry's and for a moment she caught the sent of the rosewater perfume and looked around see who it was but no one was around and she thought that Anne Boleyn was with her. Anne made her way on to the boat were she would ride to westminister tube station as she was riding she remembered the spot were she saw the heads of the traders on the polls. When she arrived to get of the boat she got a text message from Daniel saying that he cant take it anymore with his wife and do you still love me. In shock she replied what happened are you ok and has she waited for him to text back before she went down to the tube station, but he did not reply so she continued on. Anne walks into the library and buys her ticket as she is walking to go to the exhibition she can feel Henry looking at her through the posters. As she enters the room she sees all the cabinets with artifacts and as she is going one by one she walks upon the book of hours Henry gave to her and she reads the note that is in it from Henry Then she starts to get light headed her phone goes off and it is Daniel telling her that he has left rose and that would be the last thing Anne would remember.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Le Temps Viendra Ch.19-22

Ch.19 Anne and a bunch of her friends and family meet in the privy garden to shoot archery and as everything was going well and laughing and having fun. Anne got ready to shoot an arrow and she heard someone running very fast on the gravel path and she turned around and it was Nan coming to tell Anne that George Zouche has taken the book that Anne gave to Nan and that Dr. Sampson saw him reading it and took the book from Zouche and Anne was in a hurry to find Henry. Anne meet with Henry and told him that something was stolen from her and that Dr. Sampson stole it and she wanted it back. She told him that it was a book and Henry asked what book and she told him it was The Obedience Of A Christian Man. Then she told Henry that this book can help can help them get married quicker and then Henry gave her a ring and then told her to go and say that the King said to give it back and to bring it to him so he could read it and then they get all sexual. Ch.20 Anne is walking with her father and tells him abut the book and the King and that the King says the book is for him and all the other Kings to read and that the book is marvelous. Anne's father is glad to hear that as the mission to get Cardinal Wosley out of the way and make him look bad is coming together. Anne and henry await for Dr. Foxe to show up and tell them the news from the Pope. Anne was talking to Henry about Cardinal Wosley then there was a knock on the door and it was Dr. Foxe and him and Master Stevens returned with a decretal commission from the Pope. King Henry burst with excitement and picked up Anne and spun her aroundand then put her back down. Then he looked at Dr. Foxe and told him to go get Cardinal Wosley and wake him up if you have to. Anne could not stop thinking if maybe history has been rewritten and that they were going to get married sooner then five years from now. Ch.21 Anne was stuck in her chambers for seven days as she came down with a sickness. The King sent a doctor Dr. Butt who would help cure Anne to health. Then Anne would leave her chambers to go horse back riding with Mary, Margary and George. When they came back Anne's mother her face was white as a ghost as the sweating sickness has come back and that Bess has gotten the sickness and Anne's mother told Anne that as soon as her father return's they will leave to return to Hever were they will be safe away from the sweating sickness which is mostly happening in London. But Anne wants to leave with Henry but Henry has already left and he has taking Katherine with him. This makes Anne mad and she starts to question if Henry truly loves her or is he just using her for the annulment. Then Anne was standing in her chambers were she seen that her maid who she grown to love has died. Ch.22 Anne is having nightmare about the sweating fever and as she awakes she hears someone crying and goes to leave her chambers and she sees its her mother crying and her father is holding her hand. Anne goes and asks her father what is wrong and he tells her that her brother George has fallen ill to the sweat fever. Anne then gets her letter from Henry who is asking about her health an later Anne her mother and her father leave to go back to Hever and that's when Anne gets the sweat fever and is ill. Her father carries her up to her chambers and she tells him to put her down because she knows he could get sick from carrying her. As she is lying in bed she starts to fall asleep then her mother comes over to shake her to keep her awake because she is afraid that if she falls asleep she will die. But as Anne starts to fall asleep everything collapsed rapidly into blackness and in that moment , she lost all that she come to know and love so dearly.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Le temps Viendra Ch.16-18

Ch.16 Anne talks with Henry about Wosley while having supper with Henry. Later Anne got a letter from Wosley and it was a nice letter and Wosley was very nice to Anne in the letter which Anne didn't know weather to trust what he was saying or not. Anne was to have supper with Mr. Heneage and talk about the situation between Thomas Cheney and John Russell. Basically talking about the wardship of Sir John's stepdaughter. Ch.17 Anne is now get a bunch of letters from the Cardinal and it kind of makes her think is he really starting to like me. But Margary says that maybe he just keeping his enemies close. Anne and Margary look out the window because of some people were screaming and she sees the King and some of his men riding away from the castle and is wondering why he has not asked for Anne. Then there was a knock on the door and it was George Boleyn coming to tell Anne that the King has scheduled to have a picnic at Windsor Manor. They get to Windsor and Anne is just surprised on how nice the picnic is with all the food and wine and ale. Anne went and with her two ladies got up and danced in front of everyone and Anne threw in a little sexual dance to it to impress Henry and after they were done dancing it was silent and Anne dared to even look at Henry as she did not know how he would take the kind of dancing she did. But the henry started to applaud and then everyone applaud. Then Henry and Anne were laying next to each other and Henry to Anne the he loves here and asked if she loves him and in shock Anne knew what the future hold for Anne Boleyn, then she turned away from him and Henry said Anne do you not love me and as Anne turned back to look at him she said yes Henry I do love you. Ch.18 Anne is very mad at henry for there is the May Day joust that the King will be accompanied by the Queen and that makes Anne very furious and mad at Henry. As she is mad she is pacing in her chambers and Nan walks in and while talking to Anne Nan finds the Tyndale's book The Obedience of a Christian Man and as Anne looks at Nan she tells her that she MUST read this book and Nan tells her that she is going to and she will bring it back.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Le Tms Viendra Ch.13-15/ Poem/Song

Ch.13 Anne meets Margaret Butler who is Thomas Wyatt's sister band very close friends with Anne. Margaret talks to Anne about the rumors of the courts and asks if they are true and of course Anne tells her that they are true. Anne finds out that she is very close friends with Margaret and knows that they are both loyal to one another. Anne and her mother spend Christmas with Wyatt family and Anne is somewhat glad that Thomas is not there. Coming back to Hever Anne is notified to have a letter from King Henry and a deer from a hunt that King Henry went on. In the letter King Henry asks about Anne's health and how she is doing and that he misses her very much. Anne reply's with her own letter letting the King know that she is healthy and well and shares her love and desire for g=him and that she misses him to. Ch.14 Anne goes out and is riding her horse Starlight and sees visitors riding up on horses to Hever and hurries to the castle to see who it is. The visitors are Dr. Stephen Gardiner and Dr. Edward Foxe and they bring a letter from Henry to Anne. Anne asked them what they were here for and they said they were to meet the pope and talk about Henry's annulment to Katherine and get it to pass. Anne was sitting down and realized she had the Tyndale's new testament in her lap and was flipping through the pages when she heard someone walking behind her and saw that it was Dr. Edward Foxe. He came and sat down next to her and saw that she was reading Tyndale's new testament and she started to panic because she didn't know what he was going to say but he gave her a smile and said that she not the only one who is reading and believes in Tyndale's new testament. he reached in his pocket and pulled out The Obedience of a Christian Man by William Tyndale and said Anne could keep it . Ch.15 Anne and her mother are scheduled to meet King Henry at Windsor Castle were they meet them at the wharf with King Henry , her father , her brother and some other gentlemen. Anne is sent to her chambers and she is shocked of the beauty of her chamber and the usher knocked on her door and there were Nan and Mary and the usher left them and they started to giggle with excitement to see each other and be reunited. Nan and Mary were there to await and be Anne's servants. Anne meets the King and many other guest for dinner and she is introduced by the King when she arrived for super and the King introduced Anne's friend Margaret and Anne was so excited to know that Margaret was one of her servants, to know that al of her closes friends are always going to be with her. Anne the next morning went hunting with King and his men. Anne hopped on the back of the King's horse she looked up to the Queens chamber window and saw Katherine and they were dead locked eye to eye and the next day Anne and Katherine had a confrontation in the hall. Katherine said that Anne is trying to take everything and Anne said that the king is seeking a new wife because his bed is cold. Then Anne did a small curtsey and said good day madam with sarcasm.


A Girl Name Matti

"In 2007 I met a girl named Matti and I thought I was in heaven. At school I would open the door and she would smile galore. We became the best of friends and the fun never ends. In 2012 I asked Matti to be my wifew and we plan to be together for the rest of our lives."


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Le Temps Viendra Ch 9-12

Ch.9 It begins with Anne meeting with her father, the duke of Suffolk and Norfolk and talking about getting rid of the Cardinal Wosley. Also talks about Queen Katherine and how Anne can't wait till she is gone because she can't stand taking orders from her. Anne and everyone else were set to travel to Richmond but on the first day of travel they stopped at Havering and the king asked anne to come dine with him but lied and said she was sick and did not go. On the second day they left Havering and passed through the London Bridge and made it to Richmond and Anne said it looked like a fairytale story. Ch.10 Anne runs into Cardinal Wosley on her way to see the King and Wosley calls her a whore basically and tells her that the king will just get tired of her. Late Anne meets the King and tells him everything Wosley told her and the King couldn't believe what she was saying and then Wosley come in the Kings chambers to read him the letter from King Francis and says that Anne has to leave but the King says you can read it to us. That's when Wosley realized how serious the King is about Anne. Ch.11 They traveled to Greenwich from Richmond and when later she wanted to get away so she told her brother for them to ride away on a horse so they did and later come back for the King ballroom dancing and Anne danced with the King and she loved it because she knew Katherine was watching them dance and she knew it made her jealous. He hispered in her ear to come to his chambers tonight and all Anne could think about was he going to have sex with me. But he ended up saying that she did not have to serve Katherine no more and that she could have her own waiting ladies. Anne was so happy she hugged him and they stayed up until the early morning hours just talking. Ch.12 Anne went to talk to the king about going back to Hever because word was going around about the King and Anne. At first the King was not for it but with Christmas around the corner he figured to do it. So Anne went back to Hever with her mother and it was snowing really bad so she styed inside with her mother and she would read to her mother while she did her embroidery. Elizabeth told Anne that she wished Mary was more like her and that Mary gives the Boleyn family a bad name. Elizabeth gives Anne Master Tyndale's version of the new testament which was banned in England.